
5 11 2010

Keith Olbermann was suspended today for making a donation to a Democratic candidate. In 2006, Joe Scarborough was forgiven for the same “infraction” because he isn’t a newscaster… he’s a commentator– or so said MSNBC’s spokesperson.

I miss the days when journalism had integrity and you actually had to treat news as appointment television. Those days are long gone– unless you’re my mother and McNeill Lehrer is on… We are inundated by opinion that is portrayed as fact. We are lied to regularly by the media– who cite each other as the source of their information.  (By the way… the President’s trip to India isn’t costing more than the Afghanistan war… )

MSNBC needs to be consistent. If they had suspended Scarborough for donating to a Republican it would be fair to suspend Olbermann for donating to a Democrat– since they didn’t– they shouldn’t have. This action against Keith reeks of partisanship.

Please sign this petition to get Olbermann back on the air… I don’t think I can take Anderson Cooper’s perfect hair for very long… http://act.boldprogressives.org/sign/petition_olbermann/?source=typ-fb&referring_akid=2630.279311.HsNjil

Wearing Blue for World Autism Awareness Day

3 04 2010

Yesterday was World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD) as declared by the United Nations.

While watching the evening news, I noticed that MSNBC’s Chris Mathews was wearing an Autism Speaks puzzle piece so, I started bouncing around to see if any of the other networks were honoring this day… CNN’s John King was wearing blue but, his guest, Governor Strickland of Ohio was in red… On Fox Sheppard was in pink.

My family all wore blue, my Facebook friends wore blue and  the sky was even blue… but, the press (with the notable exception of Chris Mathews) didn’t acknowledge WAAD. And, I couldn’t find a single special on the topic.

It’s sad that this epidemic is a footnote– or rare news story– when 1 in 70 boys born today– 1 in 110 children– have autism. Surely they don’t think it’ll just go away if they ignore it…

Remember Swine Flu? Bird Flu? Just plain old regular flu? The numbers weren’t anywhere as high as autism’s and they led the news… funding for research and development of vaccines was astronomical but, the Epidemic that is Autism is relegated to a single line in the news casts if mentioned at all.

Don’t get me wrong– I appreciate any positive mention of accomplishment or discovery but, I wish that the attention given to comparatively minor outbreaks would be given to this disorder– and the boy who has autism that is dancing in my kitchen as I write.

When the 1 in 110 is enters the workforce or applies for government assistance they will notice… it will be the lead story… I hope it’s not too late for this generation of children with autism.

I challenge you to write a letter to the editor of your local paper, post a blog, write your elected officials and/or tell your Facebook friends what autism is, how it impacts those you love. Let’s talk about autism– let’s demand the attention this epidemic deserves!

The inclusion of behavioral health services and ending of  “pre-existing conditions” in the new Healthcare law are a really good start– and very appreciated by my family.

 As our Country moves on to Education reform let us advocate for increased and improved education for children with autism. Let’s insist that colleges  provide supports needed for those with autism to succeed. We, the people, the grassroots advocates for our children–can make a difference.

Another Debate With NO Mention Of Autism

16 01 2008

How is it that the candidates get off the hook in relation to Autism in debate after debate? We know the statistics: 1 in 150 children born in the US are diagnosed with Autism. It affects more of us than the issues they spend so much time on… I can’t speak for you but, Autism matters more to me than campaign finance reform and Yucca Mountain.

Having said that– if I lived at the foot of Yucca I might feel differently… But, do 1 in 150 children born in the US live in an area that would be affected by nuclear waste? So, why spend so much time on the few and refuse to tackle issues that matter to the many? This is a national campaign.

I ran a search on Google “Candidates Debate Autism” and the top result was mine… what’s the matter here?  I’m looking for answers to the subject that matters the most to me and have to really dig to find out what these candidates believe– as far as what they would do; digging isn’t enough– they really don’t appear to have a plan that would help those of us who are already dealing with Autism.  

Clinton says she’ll find out what causes it– Great! But, J already has it. 1 in 150 already have it. That’s great for future kids and their families. Finding out what causes it may lead to better treatments– even a cure. (Let’s not debate “cure”, ok?)

Humor me here– When the cause is discovered and treatments are identified many of us will need help to access these treatments. Will Mrs. Clinton demand that our insurance, social services, school systems provide these treatments? Or will it be another instance in which only the wealthy few will be able to access it?

What about Autism?

Why aren’t they talking about it?

I understand that the economy is in the toilet. I understand that people are dying in Iraq. I understand that we need to save this planet before we have ruined it beyond repair. This is all very important– VERY important.  But, are any of the issues we are facing as a country more important than this generation of kids? (If they think there is a shortage of soldiers now– wait until 1 in 150 soldier aged people in the US are Autistic.)

How can we get the candidates to talk about Autism?

As I have said before– I am an undecided voter. The issues that matter the most with me are the Economy and Autism.  So far, no candidate has said anything that will keep me from writing in “Colbert.”

Many thanks to those of you who helped me get a question to MSNBC!

Tuesday Debate–Please Help Me Ask About Autism

14 01 2008

I’ve been trying to get a question onto the MSNBC form and keep getting an error message… Could you help me ask the following question– or something like it:

I am an undecided voter. The issues that matter the most to me are the economy and Autism.

What will you do for the middle class insured who can not afford the “extra” services (therapy, equipment) our autistic children need to succeed, can not qualify for assistance because we fall above the income cut-off, and who’s insurance does not cover these needed “extras”?

Here is the link to the MSNBC form http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22574335/

From the MSNBC Website: “Watch the Jan. 15th 2008 Democratic Presidential Candidates’ Debate — the first debate since the New Hampshire primaries — on MSNBC TV and MSNBC.com to see if your question is asked.

Brian Williams will be the moderator and he will be joined by Tim Russert.   Natalie Morales will ask the candidates your questions.

NBC News, the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, 100 Black Men of America, IMPACTO, the African American Democratic Leadership Council and the College of Southern Nevada will co-sponsor the debate among the Democratic candidates. The debate will take place at the Cashman Center in Las Vegas, Nev., from 6-8 p.m. PST.”

Thanks so much! Please let me know if you were able to get through…. thanks!

YouTube is a better source of News than 24 Hour News Networks

12 01 2008

I have learned more about the candidates’ views in one hour on YouTube than in months of switching between CNN and MSNBC. I don’t watch Fox Noise and don’t watch enough PBS.

In only one hour I learned the basics of what Ron Paul believes. It’s pretty simple: He believes in the Constitution. He believes in Law. He believes in giving the people the power to define their own destiny.  Not bad.

I don’t really understand yet how this country would continue to improve (repair) roads, fund education and social security without taxes but, I’m willing to bet that another hour on YouTube would give me the answers I seek.

My criticism of the mainstream media comes from both the perspective of a former Newsie, and that of a consumer with education, experience and opinion.

I’m tired of television. Not to the point my brother has reached– he hasn’t even had a TV for the last couple of years– but I think it’s time to reduce my viewing of news channels to debates and breaking news– give me only news, no opinions– that’s for the OP-Ed page and blogs. Funny how between YouTube and The/A Daily Show I can get all the National and International news I need.