Proving Gandhi Right

3 08 2012

The behavior of both right and left in the current debate is proving Gandhi’s point when he said: “I like your Christ but I do not like your Christians; they are not like your Christ.”

The hate from both sides of the gay marriage issue is hurtful. Those who oppose forget that LGBT are loved by God. Those who favor “marriage equality” forget that God loves those who oppose it. The rift that was already there is widened and many of us are left without a place in the “christian” community.

I objected to “The Christian Left” on Facebook mocking a dirty toothless white man. So the administrator and posse mocked all of us who spoke out against the bullying before banning us from the page.

My God commands me to love my enemy, not to judge, to treat others as I want to be treated. No where in the Bible does it give the religious right or the christian left permission to hate those they disagree with. No where does it say that God approves of bullying– regardless of the rightness of your stance on an issue.

Have we, Christians, as a group so lost our way that we have forgotten that God loves all of us? Does he love LGBT more than he loves “rednecks”? Does he love the right more than the left? Does he overlook hate speech when it’s done for the “right” reason? Does he condone hurtful words if we only use them as  part of the mob and not when we are alone with him?

If all I knew of Christ is what I see in christians, I would not follow him. The God I know is not hateful or mean-spirited. He is just and loving. He is forgiving and kind. He is powerful. He gives freely of himself whether we agree with him or not. He is the manifestation of love.

How many will stay away from Christ because christians hate them? How many will never know the love of God because christians are unwilling to love them?

I like your Christ but I do not like your christians; they are not like your Christ.

Posts I Forgot to Publish 1

24 10 2011

Rally to Restore Sanity (and/or Fear) 2010

I can say that I was there when Stewart and Colbert taught us their new ditty– “The greatest, strongest country in the world and there’s no one more American than We”… and, I am American.

(My son and his earplugs did GREAT! Held up his sign “God Bless the Whole World– NO EXCEPTIONS!)

I was born in Trinidad and Tobago, raised in Brasil. I am a Christian who works with Muslims, Catholics and Jews. I am straight but my first husband is gay. I am married and my neighbors are single parents. I am the mother of a child with autism who plays with a bi-racial little girl. I am American.

Python at the Ohio Statehouse

30 03 2011

Today, 3.30.11, Republican Speaker of the Ohio House of Representatives (Batchelder) and the Citizens who he represents clashed over SB5… (Paraphased interaction)

Batchelder:  Shut up!  Will you shut up!

Citizens: Ah, now we see the violence inherent in the system.

Batchelder:  Shut up!

Citizens:  Oh!  Come and see the violence inherent in the system! HELP! HELP! I’m being repressed!

Batchelder: Bloody peasant!

Citizens: Oh, what a giveaway.  Did you hear that? Did you hear that, eh?  That’s what I’m on about — did you see him repressing me, you saw it didn’t you?

WI HS students call for National Walkout

10 03 2011

Friday, March 11, 2011

2:00 PM

I’ll be picking my son up at school (he’s in 4th grade) at 2:00 tomorrow. J needs to learn that his voice can be– should be– heard. It’s important for us to teach our children to speakout for what they need and to stand with those who help them– teachers, firefighter, police… are all under attack in Ohio (and 16 other US States) and the time to stand up for them is now.

Child Caught in Political Crosshairs

9 01 2011

The 9-year-old was identified as Christina Taylor Greene. CNN affiliate KVOA said family members described her as “excited” about the political process, and that the desire to learn more about it had motivated her to go to the Gifford event for constituents.

Christina was born on September 11, 2001, the affiliate reported.

From CNN (

This hits close to home.

During the Healthcare debate and subsequent election, my son attended a number of events for our Congressman– who is also on Sarah Palin’s “crosshairs” list.

At best Palin (Angle, Limbaugh, O’Riley, Jesse Kelly ( and so many others) were childish and irresponsible… at worst, they should be prosecuted under the Fighting Words Doctrine.

The fighting words doctrine, in United States constitutional law, is a limitation to freedom of speech as protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. In its 9-0 decision, Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire (1942), the U.S. Supreme Court established the doctrine and held that “insulting or ‘fighting words,’ those that by their very utterance inflict injury or tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace” are among the “well-defined and narrowly limited classes of speech [that] the prevention and punishment of…have never been thought to raise any constitutional problem.” From Wikipedia (

While we don’t know the shooter’s motives  for certain or the influence of those who use reckless language on him, we do know that hate-filled, violence evoking language does result in harm… real harm… irreversible harm. It’s past time to tone it down!

I’ve always encouraged my son to have an opinion– to fight (politely!) for what he needs… to be involved. I can’t ask him to do that anymore.

When my son and I left one of the debates our Congressman held with his opponent, I felt well…  uncomfortable and decided that my son was done with politics until he can make an intelligent, informed choice for himself. While there were no threats, there was animosity towards him. (See 10/18/10 post)

Christina’s murder is too close to home… my heart aches for the Greene family and I know that there, but for the grace of God, goes my son… and my Congressman.

Open Letter to Asbury University

4 11 2010

Asbury University (formerly Asbury College) is playing Fox News in the campus gym and cafeteria. When did Asbury start teaching propaganda instead of truth? When did it lose its compassion?

Shortly after college I married a fellow Asburian who declared his homosexuality a year later. He was told by an Asbury faculty member that if he got married he would be “cured” of his homosexuality. I was the victim of this declaration and yet I was able to forgive the College for its naiveté.  

Now, the views espoused are attacks against my son (who is the child of my straight second husband). And that I cannot forgive so easily.

My son is on the autism spectrum. The Republican Party and its mouthpiece, Fox News, have mocked those with autism specifically and those with pre-existing conditions more generally. Leaders in the Republican Party think my son is a wrecked car with “autism”.  I cannot—and will not—support a political party who values money over people.  I cannot—and will not—support an institution that condones ridiculing “the least of these”.

As a result of Asbury’s shift from a conservative Christian institution to an extension of the political party whose leaders call my son—who is a gift from God, perfect and created in God’s own image—unworthy of equality;  I am changing my Will so that it no longer includes your institution.

The Jesus I know doesn’t think little kids with pre-existing conditions should be discriminated against in favor of profits. The Jesus I know doesn’t hate or ridicule people who disagree with him. The Jesus I know teaches compassion and charity.

“I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are not much like your Christ.” –Gandhi

Please call Asbury and tell them to turn off Fox. 1-859-858-3511 (X 2105 alumni office)

Why Vote For John Boccieri?

2 11 2010

John Boccieri can tell you eloquently why you should vote for him in Ohio’s 16th District so, let me tell you why I voted for him.

Boccieri gets it. He’s a fiscal conservative who voted against healthcare reform’s first version because it was financially irresponsible. He voted for the second version because it had been revised/improved so that it will save tax payers money and assures that abortions will not be Federally funded. His vote FOR healthcare reform gave my son insurance. He has autism (a previously deniable pre-existing condition) and was on Medicaid. Now, you aren’t footing the bill for my son’s healthcare– I am. In a tiny little way, my family is proof of savings to taxpayers.

I’ve met him and know him to be genuine– not some slick politician. He looks you in the eye while he’s listening to what you have to say and is sincere with what he can or can’t do– what he’ll try to do– what goes against his grain…

John Boccieri is a dad. He understands parents who want what’s best for our kids– better for our kids…  He wants the same for his kids that we want for ours… and, he’s willing to do politically unpopular things to get that done.

I don’t agree with every vote he’s cast– any more than I agree with everything my husband does– but, I’m not going to ditch either. I voted for Boccieri because I really believe that he represents me– and, he’s able to do so because he listens to what I have to say…

Vote today. We are responsible for electing people who represent us– not people who we tolerate because we’re mad at the other guy. Vote today. Vote for the best person, the most genuine, the one like you. I believe that’s John Boccieri and he has my vote.

Boccieri Vs Renacci Debate 10/18/10

19 10 2010

Last night my little guy and I went to the final Ohio 16th Congressional debate.

This late in the campaign there really isn’t much new…

Boccieri voted FOR healthcare reform and as a result my son, who has autism, has insurance– Renacci would get rid of it– “Repeal and Replace”– however in a new twist; Renacci says he would keep the provision that gets rid of deniable pre-existing conditions. His website does not reflect this position change:

Boccieri cites specific ways that the Stimulus has benefited NE Ohio (  while Renacci just stomps his foot and follows Boehner’s lead… NO! NO! NO! (course when the  asked what he likes to do in his spare time he said golf…)

On Energy: Boccieri knows that green energy will provide jobs, clean the air and keep money at home. Renacci on the other hand (and the energy companies who fund his campaign) think that global warming is fiction so, he didn’t answer the question and the panel didn’t call him on it.

There was only one real stunner in this debate– when asked about their approval/disapproval of the Supreme Court’s “corporations as people” ruling– Boccieri said resoundingly that he disagreed with the ruling while Renacci did a little dance about how the Supreme Court knows about these things and he trusts them– so finally– he said he does agree with the ruling. (WHOA!!)

The truth is that he does not agree with all Supreme Court rulings… he disagrees for example with Roe vs. Wade… So… apparently he only trusts the Court when their rulings benefit him. (Renacci’s positions per Project Vote Smart : )

My main take-away (since I already thought Renacci is pretty out of touch and self-serving) was that Renacci followers are rude.  When J and I arrived, we saw a man putting a Renacci sign on each side of EVERY Boccieri sign along the road into the high school… during the debate, they were out-of-bounds– rude! And, towards the end, when Congressman Boccieri cited my son as an example of someone who directly benefits from healthcare reform, the Renacci supporter behind us said– “Who Cares that it helps that kid?!” Well, Rude Renacci lady, I CARE!

Don’t take my word for it… here is the debate:

Who is Funding Renacci?

15 10 2010

I live in Ohio’s 16th Congressional District. I am a voter. I’ve had enough.

I don’t know all the gory details… something like “trust us– we have a system” is about all that we can get out of those who are throwing cash at republicans like the Shriners do at community parades… What I do know is that the American Chamber of Congress has a number of foreign members*  and that the president of this organization has said that there are benefits to outsourcing jobs and work overseas. (That sure makes me want to trust them…)

These are the people funding Republican candidates in 2010.

Ohio’s 16th Congressional District

Mr. Renacci received $1,383,840 in funding through 6/30/10. 


In the organizations category,one of  Renacci’s biggest  funders is Freedomworks** who believes that public schools need competition from the private sector, the only thing wrong with our former healthcare system is that people sue too much and that both medicare and social security should be privatized.. energy? It’s the fault of regulation that fuel costs so much.

 The individual donations (anybody who gives over $250 has to disclose who they work for) have come overwhelmingly from attorneys, and those who work for healthcare and insurance companies– Renacci wants to get rid of healthcare reform and replace it with the opening of state lines and Tort Reform… WHO does that benefit?!

Healthcare Reform is my favorite issue as any who have read my blog before already know. In a recent debate Congressman John Boccieri all but dared Renacci to take away the insurance card of a child with autism who was in the audience. Renacci talks about a “safety net” but refuses to define it. He refuses to say that children with developmental disabilities should be insured. He refuses to say that autism shouldn’t be a deniable pre-existing condition.

John Boccieri first voted against healthcare reform because the first draft was fiscally irresponsible and left doubt about funding of abortion. He voted  for the second version because it IS fiscally responsible  and assures that abortions are not publicly funded. He stood beside a child with autism when he announced his support of the second version.   (  

Of course insurance companies don’t like healthcare reform! It forces them to be humane. In a perfect world business would do the right thing… they would forgo that third billion in profit to be compassionate… they would recognize that LIFE is a right as proclaimed by the Declaration of Independence.      

Don’t take my word for it. Read through Renacci’s funders–

Check out the limited position he holds on issues–

Then, ask yourself– WHO does Renacci speak for?

For the sake of comparison– here is John Boccieri’s FEC filings:

*International members of the American Chamber of Commerce:


The Good Old Days…?

15 10 2010

I am not nostalgic for the days the Tea-GOP seem to long for.

It’s easy to think that government should stay out of our lives– we are a culture that deeply values privacy– but do we really want government to cease its protections?

Do you like the idea equal rights for women, persons with disabilities, persons of every race, creed, color and culture? Do you like knowing that there isn’t rat poison in your Cheerios? Do you like weekends? Do you like public education? Social Security benefits? Do you like public works– water? sewage treatment? roads? Do you think minimum wage protects workers from sweat-shop-like treatment? 40-hour work weeks? Overtime? Breaks during your work day? How do you like IEPs and IDEA? ADA? The end of legal discrimination by insurance companies against children with disabilities?

I want government to continue to protect my son from discrimination by schools,  insurance companies,  public bus drivers, diner owners, employers and bullies.  I want water delivered to my home– and sewage removed. I want to know that the food I serve my family is safe.

Two years ago I voted for change and, although slow in coming, there have been victories! My son has insurance and my credit cards can’t abuse me. That’s not bad!

I don’t want to return to the good old days– they really weren’t good.