Open Letter to Asbury University

4 11 2010

Asbury University (formerly Asbury College) is playing Fox News in the campus gym and cafeteria. When did Asbury start teaching propaganda instead of truth? When did it lose its compassion?

Shortly after college I married a fellow Asburian who declared his homosexuality a year later. He was told by an Asbury faculty member that if he got married he would be “cured” of his homosexuality. I was the victim of this declaration and yet I was able to forgive the College for its naiveté.  

Now, the views espoused are attacks against my son (who is the child of my straight second husband). And that I cannot forgive so easily.

My son is on the autism spectrum. The Republican Party and its mouthpiece, Fox News, have mocked those with autism specifically and those with pre-existing conditions more generally. Leaders in the Republican Party think my son is a wrecked car with “autism”.  I cannot—and will not—support a political party who values money over people.  I cannot—and will not—support an institution that condones ridiculing “the least of these”.

As a result of Asbury’s shift from a conservative Christian institution to an extension of the political party whose leaders call my son—who is a gift from God, perfect and created in God’s own image—unworthy of equality;  I am changing my Will so that it no longer includes your institution.

The Jesus I know doesn’t think little kids with pre-existing conditions should be discriminated against in favor of profits. The Jesus I know doesn’t hate or ridicule people who disagree with him. The Jesus I know teaches compassion and charity.

“I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are not much like your Christ.” –Gandhi

Please call Asbury and tell them to turn off Fox. 1-859-858-3511 (X 2105 alumni office)

Wearing Blue for World Autism Awareness Day

3 04 2010

Yesterday was World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD) as declared by the United Nations.

While watching the evening news, I noticed that MSNBC’s Chris Mathews was wearing an Autism Speaks puzzle piece so, I started bouncing around to see if any of the other networks were honoring this day… CNN’s John King was wearing blue but, his guest, Governor Strickland of Ohio was in red… On Fox Sheppard was in pink.

My family all wore blue, my Facebook friends wore blue and  the sky was even blue… but, the press (with the notable exception of Chris Mathews) didn’t acknowledge WAAD. And, I couldn’t find a single special on the topic.

It’s sad that this epidemic is a footnote– or rare news story– when 1 in 70 boys born today– 1 in 110 children– have autism. Surely they don’t think it’ll just go away if they ignore it…

Remember Swine Flu? Bird Flu? Just plain old regular flu? The numbers weren’t anywhere as high as autism’s and they led the news… funding for research and development of vaccines was astronomical but, the Epidemic that is Autism is relegated to a single line in the news casts if mentioned at all.

Don’t get me wrong– I appreciate any positive mention of accomplishment or discovery but, I wish that the attention given to comparatively minor outbreaks would be given to this disorder– and the boy who has autism that is dancing in my kitchen as I write.

When the 1 in 110 is enters the workforce or applies for government assistance they will notice… it will be the lead story… I hope it’s not too late for this generation of children with autism.

I challenge you to write a letter to the editor of your local paper, post a blog, write your elected officials and/or tell your Facebook friends what autism is, how it impacts those you love. Let’s talk about autism– let’s demand the attention this epidemic deserves!

The inclusion of behavioral health services and ending of  “pre-existing conditions” in the new Healthcare law are a really good start– and very appreciated by my family.

 As our Country moves on to Education reform let us advocate for increased and improved education for children with autism. Let’s insist that colleges  provide supports needed for those with autism to succeed. We, the people, the grassroots advocates for our children–can make a difference.

Why Would Any Self-Respecting Person Agree to Appear on O’Reilly?

12 01 2008

O’Reilly is certainly the most obnoxious person on television. I rank him higher than Bart and Jessica Simpson. This isn’t a newsflash– O’Reilly has become more and more aggressive towards his guests and yet these otherwise rational people still agree to enter the ring.

I can’t imagine that these people would have any interest in attracting the votes of O’Reilly’s audience. They are the radical fringe. They are the brain-washed masses.

It came as a great surprise to me that Ron Paul went on that show last September Certainly Paul didn’t think that the “Worst Person in The World” would listen to him or even treat him with basic human decency.

Again, points to Obama for blowing him off!

I Hate “Spin”– But I Do See It’s Value

12 01 2008

I’ve been so distracted by the newsletter stories about Ron Paul that I’m missing his message. Perhaps if his spin doctors were more productive I’d be able to hear what he really has to say.

TV news isn’t, for the most part, news anymore.  I’d really like for them to spend more time telling me what the candidates are promising, what they believe– who they are, rather than who missed what or what McCain’s smirk means.  They don’t give us enough credit.  I know what a smirk is and I know what it means.

Despite being registered with one of the two major parties I’m not committed to voting for either one. I like John Edwards. I like Obama. I wish I liked Clinton (see “I love to hate Hillary Clinton..” from earlier this week). I want to like Ron Paul. I want to like McCain. I want to like Huckabee.

For the most part these are likable people. They are genuine. They are good people. They are also human and make mistakes– miss opportunities– run out of time to read all the newsletters, press releases and so forth. Maybe what they all need– I do mean all– is to surround themselves with people who are meticulous, tireless and faithful to their candidate. They need superior spin doctors and advisers.

Because the mainstream media is so out of control Spin is important .

The Pundits Are Back To Predicting

11 01 2008

Didn’t they learn anything from New Hampshire?

Frankly, I (who spent a decade producing TV News) really thought they’d be a little more cautious after the embarrassment of earlier this week– No such luck!  The only thing that’s saving these guys from themselves is a busy news-day.

Before the incident of 24 Hour Cable News Channels there were far less opportunities for embarrassing predictions/declarations… course in those days News meant something.  It was objective– report the facts of a story in 2 minutes or less. Sadly no more… CNN tonight referred to Michigan lawmakers as “fools”… where is the news? Ranting Newscaster is not news.

My mother only watches PBS… maybe she has the right idea…

Fox Noise Says Richardson is Dropping Out

9 01 2008

Well… if Fox Noise says it– it must be unconfirmed, slanted to the far right and they’ll never admit they are wrong.

According to the Richardson Camp he’s gone to New Mexico to attend to the job he was elected to do. That doesn’t mean he quit– it just means he’s a responsible person!

Yet another example of how you can’t believe everything you hear…

Obama Blew off O’Reilly– Points for him!

8 01 2008

I really enjoyed Olberman’s piece on Obama blowing off Bill O’Reilly– Obama was polite but pointed. As O’Reilly (who is consistently the Worst Person in the World) pushed through the crowd trying to get the Senator to have a few words with him, Obama kept walking and simply said that he would talk to O’Reilly after the Primaries– didn’t say he’d do it after which or how long after them.

O’Reilly is the most egotistical journalist and has a definite John Wayne all guns blazing attitude.  Maybe someday a conscience and need to fact check will overtake him but, I’m not betting on it.  In the meantime, I’ll just watch another channel.