Happy Birthday, Healthcare Reform!

23 03 2011

My amazing boy who has a “pre-existing condition”– autism– has insurance thanks to the hard work, and courage of good people like John Boccieri. I will always be thankful to him, his staff and his family for all they had to put up with because of people who didn’t understand the benefit of passing this into law.  Thank you!

This means more to me then you’ll ever know…

Mr. Boccieri is a Winner

3 11 2010

Last night John Boccieri lost an election– but he is a winner!

Over the course of two years, John Boccieri worked for the people he represents in Ohio’s 16th Congressional District. His courage of conviction, his prioritizing of policy over politics and his careful, thoughtful, prayerful votes have made my son’s life better. Because of Mr. Boccieri’s vote in favor of healthcare reform, it is now illegal for insurance companies to discriminate against the 1 in 70 boys diagnosed with autism.

John Boccieri is a winner.

Why Vote For John Boccieri?

2 11 2010

John Boccieri can tell you eloquently why you should vote for him in Ohio’s 16th District so, let me tell you why I voted for him.

Boccieri gets it. He’s a fiscal conservative who voted against healthcare reform’s first version because it was financially irresponsible. He voted for the second version because it had been revised/improved so that it will save tax payers money and assures that abortions will not be Federally funded. His vote FOR healthcare reform gave my son insurance. He has autism (a previously deniable pre-existing condition) and was on Medicaid. Now, you aren’t footing the bill for my son’s healthcare– I am. In a tiny little way, my family is proof of savings to taxpayers.

I’ve met him and know him to be genuine– not some slick politician. He looks you in the eye while he’s listening to what you have to say and is sincere with what he can or can’t do– what he’ll try to do– what goes against his grain…

John Boccieri is a dad. He understands parents who want what’s best for our kids– better for our kids…  He wants the same for his kids that we want for ours… and, he’s willing to do politically unpopular things to get that done.

I don’t agree with every vote he’s cast– any more than I agree with everything my husband does– but, I’m not going to ditch either. I voted for Boccieri because I really believe that he represents me– and, he’s able to do so because he listens to what I have to say…

Vote today. We are responsible for electing people who represent us– not people who we tolerate because we’re mad at the other guy. Vote today. Vote for the best person, the most genuine, the one like you. I believe that’s John Boccieri and he has my vote.

Boccieri Vs Renacci Debate 10/18/10

19 10 2010

Last night my little guy and I went to the final Ohio 16th Congressional debate.

This late in the campaign there really isn’t much new…

Boccieri voted FOR healthcare reform and as a result my son, who has autism, has insurance– Renacci would get rid of it– “Repeal and Replace”– however in a new twist; Renacci says he would keep the provision that gets rid of deniable pre-existing conditions. His website does not reflect this position change: http://www.renacciforcongress.com/Issues/Health_Care

Boccieri cites specific ways that the Stimulus has benefited NE Ohio (http://gis4.oit.ohio.gov/recovery/)  while Renacci just stomps his foot and follows Boehner’s lead… NO! NO! NO! (course when the  asked what he likes to do in his spare time he said golf…)

On Energy: Boccieri knows that green energy will provide jobs, clean the air and keep money at home. Renacci on the other hand (and the energy companies who fund his campaign) think that global warming is fiction so, he didn’t answer the question and the panel didn’t call him on it.

There was only one real stunner in this debate– when asked about their approval/disapproval of the Supreme Court’s “corporations as people” ruling– Boccieri said resoundingly that he disagreed with the ruling while Renacci did a little dance about how the Supreme Court knows about these things and he trusts them– so finally– he said he does agree with the ruling. (WHOA!!)

The truth is that he does not agree with all Supreme Court rulings… he disagrees for example with Roe vs. Wade… So… apparently he only trusts the Court when their rulings benefit him. (Renacci’s positions per Project Vote Smart : http://votesmart.org/npat.php?can_id=120678#20942 )

My main take-away (since I already thought Renacci is pretty out of touch and self-serving) was that Renacci followers are rude.  When J and I arrived, we saw a man putting a Renacci sign on each side of EVERY Boccieri sign along the road into the high school… during the debate, they were out-of-bounds– rude! And, towards the end, when Congressman Boccieri cited my son as an example of someone who directly benefits from healthcare reform, the Renacci supporter behind us said– “Who Cares that it helps that kid?!” Well, Rude Renacci lady, I CARE!

Don’t take my word for it… here is the debate:


New Healthcare Law: GREAT for autism

2 04 2010

April is Autism Awareness Month and a time to talk about issues that Americans with autism and their families must face. Awkward social and language skills, sensory disintegration, misunderstandings perpetuated by movies like “Rainman,” parents’ guilt for wanting a cure that would change our children and the stigma of “imperfection” is only part of it– insurance companies discriminate against those with autism in a real and deliberate way.

Healthcare reform is personal for our family because our son has autism.

The Health Care and Education Affordability Reconciliation Act benefits Americans with autism not only by putting an end to “pre-existing conditions” and, in-effect, removing the term from our language but also provides for behavioral health treatments that are proven to have significant benefits for those with autism.

According to Autism Speaks, “…behavioral health treatment is included as part of the essential health benefits package required in certain health plans. Behavioral health treatments were added to ensure that people with autism are provided with insurance coverage of medically necessary, evidence-based behavioral treatments, such as applied behavior analysis (ABA) therapy. The reconciliation bill will require the following health plans to offer at least the essential benefits package: (1) plans offered by state-based exchanges, through which individuals and small businesses can purchase coverage; and (2) plans offered in the individual and small group markets outside the exchange.”

While some say that this law doesn’t go far enough, it goes farther than any law has gone before in ending healthcare discrimination. This benefits not only children with autism but, middle aged men with heart conditions and grandmothers with diabetes.

Over the course of the past few weeks there have been significant threats made against our elected representatives because of their support of healthcare reform. These reprehensible threats have not been limited to adults who are public figures– their children have been threatened! Congressman Boccieri’s family is at risk because he stood up for our children– for the 1 in 70 boys born today with autism who cannot get healthcare insurance.

Now it’s our turn, the millions who benefit from John Boccieri’s personal and political sacrifices, to proudly stand with him because he believes, as we do, that pro-life doesn’t end at birth.